Base information
Miesto lovu
Zemplínska šírava. Až 3300 hektárov vodnej plochy
Počet tímov
31 tímov. Tímy sa budú skladať z 3 až 4 členov.
Počet sektorov
Zemplínska šírava bude rozdelená do 5 súťažných sektorov.
Víťazí tím s najväčšou váhou 6 bodovaných rýb.
Registrovať sa môžete online
Trvanie súťaže
Samotná súťaž potrvá od 1.6. do 8.6.2024.
Registračný poplatok
Registračný poplatok je 1500€ za celý tím.
Profile of the Big 6 Challenge Zemplínska šírava competition
When we have dreamed of organizing a carp race a few years ago, we did not even hope that one day it could become a reality. Today, thanks to a great and committed team of people, our visions are coming true.
Innovation, energy, potential, adrenaline…
You will get to experience all of these, if you join us.
The first year of the Šírava´s six (“Šírava big 6 challenge“) will be truly exceptional. Only the bravest will test their strengt on 3 300 hectares of water.
Zemplínska Šírava attracts a large number of local and foreign anglers every year thanks to the capital catches and the beautiful environment.
31 teams from Slovakia and neighboring countries will participate in the first year of the “Šíravská šestka”.
Zemplínska šírava will be divided into six sectors. We will ensure the fairness of the race with GPS locators, each team will have a precisely defined fishing area.
Since we want to preserve the international character of the race, we set a limited quota for domestic and foreign competitors.
After our thorough research among anglers, we decided on a race model that aroused the biggest interest and that was not here yet – the team with the largest weight of six scored fish wins.
We try to use the most ecological means possible, which is why we decided exclusively to use electric motors and concrete weights (without lead).
The main prizes of the competition
Registration conditions
Registration conditions
The organizer of the competition Šírava Big 6 Challenge aims to preserve the international character of the competition, therefore a limited quota for each nationality was set.
- Registration for the competition must be carried out using an online registration form on the following website:
- The organizer will send a confirmation of receiving the competition application to the registered e-mail address. Accepted teams will be contacted by the organizer and will receive a bank account number for the entry fee payment.
- Selection of teams is an exclusive right of the organizer, fully left to his discretion (free consideration). There is no obligation to explain a rejection or an acceptance.
- A team that cancels it´s registration after paying the participation fee will have to pay a service fee of 100 EUR. As of 01.03.2024, it will not be possible to refund the entry fee, but the team can find a replacement team. After the entry fee has been paid by the new team, the team that cancelled it´s registration can request a refund of the entry fee, excluding the service fee.
On-site registration
- Registration takes place at the Dolina guest-house
- Registration is possible only if the competitors have all the necessary documents; the process ends with each participant signing a completely filled-out registration form. Each competitor is required to identify himself with a valid identity document: (identity card / passport).
- Participants confirm that they have read and accept the rules of the competition with their signature; in-addition, they accept that in case of any disputes they will follow the impartial decisions of the arbitrators.
- Each participant receives a wristband that they have to wear during the entire competition.
- A team that fails to register properly loses it´s right to start in the competition and it´s entry fee is fully forfeited in favor of the organizer.
Registration of competitors
09:00 – 15:00
Opening ceremony
Lottery of fishing places
Occupancy of fishing places
from 6:00 a.m.
Start of the race
End of the competition
Closing ceremony and prize giving
Event partners